Friday, January 25, 2013

Language Skills in Canada

Canada has two official languages: English and French.

 Even if you have the language skills in English or French needed to immigrate to Canada, those skills may not be strong enough to work in your preferred profession.

 Language skills in English or French are essential to your integration into the labour market in Canada. Lacking these skills is one of the largest barriers to full integration.

The language requirements to work in your profession in Canada might be different from the language requirements for immigration to Canada.

most professions and trades require you to be fluent in English or French and to have a strong command of all work-related language. Being fluent in a language includes having the cultural knowledge to understand phrases or expressions used, some of which may be unique to Canada. In addition to continued language study and practice, look for bridging programs that offers both language training and work experience.

A language test given by your profession or the results from an internationally standardized language test will almost certainly be part of the assessment of your qualifications. Make sure that you understand the requirements you must meet.
There are a few internationally recognized language tests such as TOEFL, but the evaluating organization will sometimes accept only one specific test.
What you can do

Get a realistic assessment of your language skills before you come to Canada. If necessary, use the time before you come to Canada to improve your language skills.
Contact your regulatory body or go to find out which language tests      are required.
Learn how to get your language skills assessed and how to identify opportunities for language training by following the steps outlined in Section B of Planning to Work in Canada: An Essential Workbook for Newcomers
Find out more about improving your English or French and about Canada’s Official Languages.
The Association of Canadian Community Colleges’ member institutions offer a wide range of English as a Second Language Programs. Find the institution nearest you.
Consult the following websites to learn more about language requirements and assessment in Canada:
·         Canadian Association for Prior Learning Assessment
·         Canadian English Language Benchmark Assessment for Nurses
·         Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks
·         Enhanced Language Training
·         Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada
·         Recognition for Learning
·         Colleges Ontario’s Occupation-specific Language Training
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